Curled MTG Card - Picture by Jeff Dun

Curled MTG Card – Picture by Jeff Dun

Have you ever opened a new Secret Lair Bundle only to find out that some, if not all, of your precious and pricy cards have a weird shape like they were Pringles?

Well, chances are that if you have bought those products or have any foil cards, you’re familiar with the issue of curled foils. I’ve got your guide on how to prevent that from happening, but more importantly, on how to fix it.

Let’s jump right in!

What Is Foil Curling?

Foil - Illustration by Donato Giancola

Foil | Illustration by Donato Giancola

This is often referred to when a foil card starts bending or taking the shape of a “Pringle” either from the inner side or the outside. Foil curling usually happens out of nowhere, and in some cases, the cards come warped right out from the product case, which often causes disappointment from the buyer's perspective.

Why Do Foils Curl?

The theory behind curled foils is that humidity changes the fibers of the cardboard, causing it to bend, expand, or contract based on how much moisture is on the card. However, curling can happen in any kind of card due to how you shuffle or store them.

How to Fix/Uncurl Curled Foils

To fix curled foils, you need to subtract the humidity by placing them on a platform-shaped base and putting the cards on top while applying or removing humidity to the environment. This way, your foil cards return to their regular form. For this process, you’ll need:

  • Tupperware Tub or any box that you can see through
  • Paper Towel
  • Silicone Cupcake Molds
  • Sleeves
  • A Book
  • Humidity Regulating packs*

Add Moisture to the Environment

Lightly wet or spray your paper towel with water and place it on the bottom of your Tupperware or box. This way, you’ll add moisture to the cards in the sealed environment.

Prepare the Setup

Prepare the Setup

Place the cupcake molds upside down and place the cards on top of them. The bent part of the cards should always be facing you or the top of the container.

Close the lid and wait around 30 minutes to check how the card shapes.

Close Lid

If the card is still halfway curled, add another 30 minutes to the process so the humidity keeps working on the cards.

Monitoring and Adjusting Humidity

Keep a check on the humidity of the top of the lid because you don't want it dripping water on the cards if it starts condensing. You should rewet the paper towel if this starts happening.

Once the cards have regained shape, let them rest for about 10 minutes. Place them on a sleeve and let them rest overnight under or inside a book.

Final Steps

Final Steps

If the card starts curling backward, you need to dehydrate the cards by adding a humidity-regulating pack to the box where you store the cards, which can vary from 65% Humidity to 55%.

Dealing with Persistent Curling

Theoretically, the process can work without needing the humidity-regulating packs varying from $10 to $20 in price. Still, if you’re looking to fix a large number of cards, the investment is necessary, even though we shouldn’t.

How To Stop Foils From Curling

The best way is to regulate the humidity of the place where they’re stored, but the overall humidity of your environment is a massive factor in how the cards warp. 

Where to Store Them

Store them on a flat surface. If you leave them raised or stacked improperly, cards can start warping to the shape where they’re standing.

Choose the Right Containers

Use proper containers: Solid deck boxes are good at maintaining the cards in their regular state, while plastic boxes can expand based on the moisture of the cards.

Avoiding Moisture

Keep them away from moisture. As we’ve discussed, if you wet your cards, their shape changes.

Handling with Care

Don't press them excessively. If you use excessive force on the cards, you could end up bending them into a possibly irreparable state.

Flattening Foils

Flatten foils before using them. If your cards start bending, even just a bit, it's always good to flatten them before they curl even more.

What Is The Best Humidity for Foil Magic Cards?

For curled foils, you’d need around 55% humidity so your cards keep a flattened shape. This can be maintained by acquiring humidity check packs and placing them inside your deck box.

How Do You Store MTG Foils?

These are stored like any other Magic card, but if your environment is too wet or dry, you need to invest in ways to store your collection. Here are some common ways to control the humidity in your surroundings.

Use a dehumidifier: If the environment is too humid, consider using a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air. It helps keep the humidity at an appropriate level to prevent the cardboard from absorbing too much moisture.

Air conditioning: If possible, maintain a temperature-controlled environment with air conditioning. Air conditioning not only helps control the temperature but also plays a role in regulating humidity levels.

Use a Humidifier: If the environment is too dry, you can use a humidifier to add moisture to the air. This helps to prevent the cardboard from drying out and becoming brittle.

Seal the cardboard foils: When not in use, store the cardboard foils in a sealed container or bag. This protects them from external fluctuations in humidity and keeps them in a stable environment.

Use moisture-absorbing packets: Consider placing moisture-absorbing packets or desiccants in the storage container to help absorb excess moisture and maintain an optimal humidity level.

Monitor humidity levels: Invest in a hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels regularly. This allows you to make adjustments as needed to maintain the desired humidity range for the foil cards.

Are Curled Foils Legal in Tournaments?

No, any alteration on cards is against the rules, even if they come that way directly from a sealed product. Otherwise, players can tell where a single foil card is in its library and arrange its placement on purpose if it's curled or warped.

However, the problem is when the deck isn’t consistent. If some cards stand out, they're marked. If the whole deck is consistently warped, nothing is marked, and in theory, you should be able to play with it.

Do Foil Etched Cards Curl?

They do, but only where the foil is placed on the card. Instead of bending the whole card, it’s only slightly curled around the edges of where the foil sits.

Do Secret Lair Foils Still Curl?

Photo of Curled Cards from Twitter


There aren't any reports about 2023 Secret Lair cards that come directly warped from the box. Sadly, editions from prior years are known for having this issue.

Wrap Up

Timebender - Illustration by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai

Timebender | Illustration by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai

Buying foil products may seem pretty in some cases, but sometimes it's more expensive than a regular product. It comes with the catch of getting warped if it's not stored or kept in the ideal environment, too. I hope WotC addresses this in the future as a collector. I get the frustration players may have if they have to spend extra money on external products to keep Magic cards in good shape that come straight right out of the box, but in the meantime, I hope this guide was helpful!

As always, if you want to see more MTG-related content and stay tuned to the latest news about the game, remember to follow us on Twitter!

Take care, and until we meet again!

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