Draftsim's Pick Order List for Zendikar Rising (ZNR)

Below you'll find Draftsim's draft rankings and ratings for every card in Zendikar Rising. These ratings are used in our draft simulator to inform the bot pick order within the packs. The ratings are initially created by me, but they may also be updated later with information gleaned from AI-backed analysis.

As always, a list like this is only a jumping off point to help you with Pack 1, Pick 1 decisions -- or maybe your first few picks. However, you should be quickly adjusting your picks according to curve, synergy, and signals from the other drafters. Feel free to share and discuss these ratings - I love talking limited! Also, please note this pick order is oriented towards best of one Magic because it's the only format available for ZNR on MTGA.

If you want to use ratings on-the-fly while playing MTG Arena, just download our app Arena Tutor and it will automatically give you an overlay that shows you the rating and which card to pick!

-Dan from Draftsim

Latest Update: October 5, 2020